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    Achampeta Mandal, Guntur Dist
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  • Speciality of Sarpa Subrahmanyam
  • Naga Dosham Sharpa Shapam
  • Kuja Dosham
  • Kala Sarpa Dosham
  • Ideal Place For Naga Prathista
  • The Methods Of Deeds
  • KALA means time sarpa means snake. If this Dosha gives troubles to the persons i.e. time will become sarpa and the persons will be subjected to predicament that is called sarpa dosha. The persons who have this Dosha have to under go a lot of hardship in his protection to come up. Even then he will never reach the top position. Some times they have to face several predicaments for which they have already worked for,In spite of that the result may not be good. This is decided depend upon one’s Birth Thithi (day) vara(week), Nakshatra (star) and Lagna. In his janma, kundali or jataka chakra if 7 planets occupy the space (places) between rahu and kethu this phenomena is called savya (proper) kalasarpa dosham,starting from kethuvu to rahuvu in between these two if other planets happen to be there, that is called apasavya (improper) kala sarpa dosha As per vedic astrology totally 12 types of Kalasarpa Doshas are there:

    • If Rahuvu& Kethuvu occupy 1&7 places, that is called Anantha Kalasarpa Yoga.
    • If Rahuvu remains in 2 places, kethuvu remains in 8 places, that is called kulika kala sarpa dosha.
    • If Rahuvu remains in 2 places, kethuvu remains in 8 places, that is called kulika kala sarpa dosha.
    • If Rahuvu & Kethuvu occupy 4th& 10th place this is Shankha Kaalasarpa Dosha.
    • If Rahuvu & Kethuvu occupy 5th& 11th places this is Padma kalasarpa yoga.
    • If Rahuvu & Kethuvu remain in 6place this is Mahapadma Kala Yoga.
    • If Rahuvu, remains in the 7th place and kethuvu in the 1st place that is Takshaka kala sarpa dosha.
    • If Kethuvu occupy 2nd place & Rahuvu occupies 8th place and other planets occupy the space between there two that is called Karkotaka Kalasarpa Yoga.
    • If Kethuvu occupies 3rd& Rahuvu occupies 9th place and the spaces in between is occupied by the other planets that is called Shankha Chooda Kalasarpa Yoga.
    • If Kethuvu is at 4th , Rahuvu at the 10th place and other place in between these occupied the remaining 7 planets that is called Ghathaka Kalasarpa Yoga.
    • If Kethuvu is at 5th& Rahuvu is at 11th place and other spaces in between are occupied by other 7 planets that is Vishadhara Kala Sarpa Yoga.
    • If in the 6th place Kethuvu, 12th place Rahuvu and other planets in between is called this phenomena is Sesha Naga Kalasarpa Yoga.

    This Kalasarpa Dosha gives bad results in human jathaka. These Rahuvu & Kethuvu generally are considered as Papakarma (causing sin) yoga. But some times they lead us to prosperity (Rajayoga). If Rahuvu & Kethuvu occupy some centers orpoints orAngles this jathaka person will get Raja (king) Yoga. In some jathaka if there is no kalasarpa Dosha or Yoga, As per the space (of jathaka chakra) occupied by Rahuvu & Kethuvu and their revolving directions in the janma kundali i.e. savya, apasavya (clockwise and anti clock wise directions of their movements) Subha (prosperous and unprosperous) ashudha yoga will be there.

    As per Astrology Rahuvu&Kethuvu belong to snake sects i.e. related to snakes. The head of Rahuvu is in the form of snake whereas the trunk position of Kethuvu is in the form of snake.

    Hence the Astrology quotes that any person suffering from kalasarpa dosha has to conduct Naga Prathista at the suitable best place to get relief from such Doshas i.e. to get rid of this dosha permanently one should install Naga at the right place and right time. And also go through all sorts of rituals as specified by eligible & learnt Vedic scholars.